Biography of the author

Boretskyi Adalbert (1910-1990) - Ukrainian and Slovak painter, master of monumental paintings. Born in Ubla, Slovakia. He studied at the Uzhhorod Painting Public School (1927-1931) under A. Erdeli. He lived and worked in Uzhhorod (until 1969), then moved to Czechoslovakia. Member of Society of Carpatho-Rusyn painters (1935-1939). Engaged in teaching. He worked mainly in the genre and landscape painting and easel graphics. Lived and worked in Kosice (Slovakia).

Лот  15
Adalbert Boretsky (1910-1990)
"Dance", 1970s
canvas, oil
119 x 80 cm
Signature bottom left
Biography of the author

Boretskyi Adalbert (1910-1990) - Ukrainian and Slovak painter, master of monumental paintings. Born in Ubla, Slovakia. He studied at the Uzhhorod Painting Public School (1927-1931) under A. Erdeli. He lived and worked in Uzhhorod (until 1969), then moved to Czechoslovakia. Member of Society of Carpatho-Rusyn painters (1935-1939). Engaged in teaching. He worked mainly in the genre and landscape painting and easel graphics. Lived and worked in Kosice (Slovakia).

Lot  15
Adalbert Boretsky (1910-1990)

"Dance", 1970s

canvas, oil
119 x 80 cm
Signature bottom left
вул. Первомайського, 4 01133 Київ
+ 38 050 462 95 32 [email protected]