Biography of the author

Atayan Armen Arshakovich (1922-2021) - Armenian and Ukrainian artist. Born in Yerevan, Armenia. He graduated from the Yerevan Art College (1941) and Yerevan Art Institute (1952) under M. Saryan. Art exhibitions (since 1952). Solo exhibitions (since 1963). Member of Union of Artists of the USSR. Lived and worked in Kiev (1954-1965). His works are now in art museums of Ukraine, Armenia and in private collections all over the world.

Лот  41
Armen Atayan (1922-2021)
"Lilac", 1963
canvas, oil
89,5 х 109,5 см
Biography of the author

Atayan Armen Arshakovich (1922-2021) - Armenian and Ukrainian artist. Born in Yerevan, Armenia. He graduated from the Yerevan Art College (1941) and Yerevan Art Institute (1952) under M. Saryan. Art exhibitions (since 1952). Solo exhibitions (since 1963). Member of Union of Artists of the USSR. Lived and worked in Kiev (1954-1965). His works are now in art museums of Ukraine, Armenia and in private collections all over the world.

Lot  41
Armen Atayan (1922-2021)

"Lilac", 1963

canvas, oil
89,5 х 109,5 см
вул. Первомайського, 4 01133 Київ
+ 38 050 462 95 32 [email protected]