Biography of the author

Alexis Kalaeff (1902-1978) - Ukrainian and French artist. Born in Odessa. He studied at the Odessa Art College (1918-1919). From 1926 he lived in Paris. He worked at the Academy of Grand Shomier in O. Friez. He wrote still lifes, portraits and curly compositions in an expressive manner. The artist's works were exhibited in the salons of the Independent and the French Artists' Society.

Лот  6
Alexis Kalaeff (1902-1978)
"Evening in Paris", 1940s
canvas on plywood, oil
48 x 48 cm
Signature bottom right
author's monogram on the reverse
Biography of the author

Alexis Kalaeff (1902-1978) - Ukrainian and French artist. Born in Odessa. He studied at the Odessa Art College (1918-1919). From 1926 he lived in Paris. He worked at the Academy of Grand Shomier in O. Friez. He wrote still lifes, portraits and curly compositions in an expressive manner. The artist's works were exhibited in the salons of the Independent and the French Artists' Society.

Lot  6
Alexis Kalaeff (1902-1978)

"Evening in Paris", 1940s

canvas on plywood, oil
48 x 48 cm
Signature bottom right
author's monogram on the reverse
вул. Первомайського, 4 01133 Київ
+ 38 050 462 95 32 [email protected]