Author Biography
Anoufriev Sergey was born in 1964 in Odessa. Graphic artist, painter, art theorist, author of objects and installations. His career started in Odessa. Moved to Moscow (1985). Was elected the first chairman of the Clavier ("Moscow club of avant-gardists") (1986). Together with Y. Leiderman, P. Peperstein found the art-group "Inspection Medical Hermeneutics" (1987). Numerous times returning to Ukraine for a long time he worked as an artist and curator in Kiev and Odessa.
Lot   36
Sergei Anoufriev (1964)
"Kolobok", 2010
canvas, oil
84 x 76 cm

Author Biography
Anoufriev Sergey was born in 1964 in Odessa. Graphic artist, painter, art theorist, author of objects and installations. His career started in Odessa. Moved to Moscow (1985). Was elected the first chairman of the Clavier ("Moscow club of avant-gardists") (1986). Together with Y. Leiderman, P. Peperstein found the art-group "Inspection Medical Hermeneutics" (1987). Numerous times returning to Ukraine for a long time he worked as an artist and curator in Kiev and Odessa.
Lot  36
Sergei Anoufriev (1964)

"Kolobok", 2010

canvas, oil
84 x 76 cm
вул. Первомайського, 4 01133 Київ
+ 38 050 462 95 32 [email protected]