Author Biography
Koval Yurii (born in 1979) – Ukrainian artist. Born in Lviv. Obtained a Bachelor`s degree from the faculty of advertising in the architectural and spatial environment of the Lviv College of Decorative and Applied Arts named after I. Trush (1998); Specialist Diploma of the faculty of interior design of the Lviv Academy of Arts (2004). Participant in many personal and group exhibitions (since 2000). Lives and works in Lviv and Kyiv.
Lot   38
Yurii Koval (1979)
"Still Life #1", 2022
canvas, oil
120 x 135 cm
Signature and date on the back
The following is added to the selling price:
+15% Taxes and fees (VAT and auction house commission)
4 000 - 6 000$

Author Biography
Koval Yurii (born in 1979) – Ukrainian artist. Born in Lviv. Obtained a Bachelor`s degree from the faculty of advertising in the architectural and spatial environment of the Lviv College of Decorative and Applied Arts named after I. Trush (1998); Specialist Diploma of the faculty of interior design of the Lviv Academy of Arts (2004). Participant in many personal and group exhibitions (since 2000). Lives and works in Lviv and Kyiv.
Lot  38
Yurii Koval (1979)

"Still Life #1", 2022

canvas, oil
120 x 135 cm
Signature and date on the back
The following is added to the selling price:
+15% Taxes and fees (VAT and auction house commission)
4 000 - 6 000$

вул. Первомайського, 4 01133 Київ
+ 38 050 462 95 32 [email protected]