Author Biography
Vaisberh Matvii (b. 1958) - Ukrainian artist, illustrator. Born in Kyiv. He studied at Shevchenko State Art School. Graduated from Kyiv Printing Institute, department of book graphics. Member of All-Ukrainian Union of creative artists"BZH-ART". The author of illustrations to the works of Dostoievskyi, Sholom Aleichem, Carl Jung, J. Ortega y Gasset and others. One of the founders of "Kyiv rearguard" direction. His works are kept in National Museum "Kyiv Art Gallery", Zaporizhia Regional Art Museum, «Gaon Jewish Museum» (Vilnius, Lithuania), private collections in USA, Israel, Greece, Great Britain, Sweden, South Africa, Austria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Canada, Japan, Turkey, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, France, Germany and others.
Lot   49
Matvii Vaisberh (1958)
"Camel", 2002
canvas, oil
50 x 60 cm
Signature and date bottom left

Author Biography
Vaisberh Matvii (b. 1958) - Ukrainian artist, illustrator. Born in Kyiv. He studied at Shevchenko State Art School. Graduated from Kyiv Printing Institute, department of book graphics. Member of All-Ukrainian Union of creative artists"BZH-ART". The author of illustrations to the works of Dostoievskyi, Sholom Aleichem, Carl Jung, J. Ortega y Gasset and others. One of the founders of "Kyiv rearguard" direction. His works are kept in National Museum "Kyiv Art Gallery", Zaporizhia Regional Art Museum, «Gaon Jewish Museum» (Vilnius, Lithuania), private collections in USA, Israel, Greece, Great Britain, Sweden, South Africa, Austria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Canada, Japan, Turkey, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, France, Germany and others.
Lot  49
Matvii Vaisberh (1958)

"Camel", 2002

canvas, oil
50 x 60 cm
Signature and date bottom left
вул. Первомайського, 4 01133 Київ
+ 38 050 462 95 32 [email protected]