Eugene BERMAN (1899-1972) - French and Italian artist. Born in St. Petersburg. Studied in private art studios. From 1919 he lived in Paris, studied at the academy Ranson. Berman's early works were exhibited at the Paris Art Salons - Tuileries and Independent Salons. After a trip to Italy (1922), Eugene Berman was fascinated by the art of the Renaissance and the Baroque. The work of the artist was influenced by the famous Italian painter of the twentieth century. Giorgio de Kiricco. Later, Eugene, along with his brother, painter Leonid Berman, is exhibited in the gallery Druet (Друе) (1926), together with Pavel Chelishchevym and other graduates of the Academy of Arts of Ranson. The exhibition in the gallery Druet, according to the participants' declaration, had to start a new direction in painting - neo-humanism. Participant in the exhibition of contemporary French art in Moscow (1928). Exhibited in the USA, in particular in the gallery J. Levy. He emigrated to the United States (1939), where he was engaged in book graphics and decorated with ballet theaters. Obtained US Citizenship. In the mid-1950s he traveled to Italy. He lived and worked in Rome.
Eugene BERMAN (1899-1972) - French and Italian artist. Born in St. Petersburg. Studied in private art studios. From 1919 he lived in Paris, studied at the academy Ranson. Berman's early works were exhibited at the Paris Art Salons - Tuileries and Independent Salons. After a trip to Italy (1922), Eugene Berman was fascinated by the art of the Renaissance and the Baroque. The work of the artist was influenced by the famous Italian painter of the twentieth century. Giorgio de Kiricco. Later, Eugene, along with his brother, painter Leonid Berman, is exhibited in the gallery Druet (Друе) (1926), together with Pavel Chelishchevym and other graduates of the Academy of Arts of Ranson. The exhibition in the gallery Druet, according to the participants' declaration, had to start a new direction in painting - neo-humanism. Participant in the exhibition of contemporary French art in Moscow (1928). Exhibited in the USA, in particular in the gallery J. Levy. He emigrated to the United States (1939), where he was engaged in book graphics and decorated with ballet theaters. Obtained US Citizenship. In the mid-1950s he traveled to Italy. He lived and worked in Rome. Full description Collapse description
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