
Rembrandt van Rijn

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Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) is a prominent Dutch artist, a baroque eyebrowist. Rembrandt in a large family of wealthy mill owners in Leiden (The Netherlands). The master wrote about 60 self portraits. The heritage of the master about 600 paintings, 300 etchings, 2000 paintings. The leading museums have their own collections of Rembrandt-Louvre, the Metropolitan in New York, the museums in Kassel, Madrid, Berlin, London, Amsterdam, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, and Dresden. The influence of Rembrandt has also affected Ukrainian art since the end of the seventeenth century. Taras Shevchenko was called "Ukrainian Rembrandt" for dark paints. He was also fond of "Rembrandt Lighting," and the brilliant technique of etching that he carefully copied (an ethereal copy of Rembrandt's picturesque painting "The Parables of the Workers on the Vineyard," the sketches of certain figures from Rembrandt's etching "Death of Mary"). Rembrandt collects the art of Italian artists, as well as weapons.
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) is a prominent Dutch artist, a baroque eyebrowist. Rembrandt in a large family of wealthy mill owners in Leiden (The Netherlands). The master wrote about 60 self portraits. The heritage of the master about 600 paintings, 300 etchings, 2000 paintings. The leading museums have their own collections of Rembrandt-Louvre, the Metropolitan in New York, the museums in Kassel, Madrid, Berlin, London, Amsterdam, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, and Dresden. The influence of Rembrandt has also affected Ukrainian art since the end of the seventeenth century. Taras Shevchenko was called "Ukrainian Rembrandt" for dark paints. He was also fond of "Rembrandt Lighting," and the brilliant technique of etching that he carefully copied (an ethereal copy of Rembrandt's picturesque painting "The Parables of the Workers on the Vineyard," the sketches of certain figures from Rembrandt's etching "Death of Mary"). Rembrandt collects the art of Italian artists, as well as weapons. Full description Collapse description
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