Auction #5
Press release
Lots: 133
Artists: 106
Top lot: No. 26 Glushchenko N., "Sea" - $45,000
Pre-auction exhibition: March 12 - 15 (from 10 to 20 seven days a week)
Address: st. January Uprising, 17; Kiev city gallery "Lavra", Kyiv, Ukraine
Artists: 106
Top lot: No. 26 Glushchenko N., "Sea" - $45,000
Pre-auction exhibition: March 12 - 15 (from 10 to 20 seven days a week)
Address: st. January Uprising, 17; Kiev city gallery "Lavra", Kyiv, Ukraine
Press release
Lots: 133
Artists: 106
Top lot: No. 26 Glushchenko N., "Sea" - $45,000
Pre-auction exhibition: March 12 - 15 (from 10 to 20 seven days a week)
Address: st. January Uprising, 17; Kiev city gallery "Lavra", Kyiv, Ukraine Full description Collapse Description
Artists: 106
Top lot: No. 26 Glushchenko N., "Sea" - $45,000
Pre-auction exhibition: March 12 - 15 (from 10 to 20 seven days a week)
Address: st. January Uprising, 17; Kiev city gallery "Lavra", Kyiv, Ukraine Full description Collapse Description
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Mykhailo Vasylenko
Director of the auction house «Goldens», art expert, curator
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